Our Society

Dear all members of PASMISS

    I am very pleased to be informed that the website of our Society has been set up and will be open soon in December 2021.
    PASMISS is a very active academic organization with rapid expansion.
Professor June Kyu Lee, as the founding president, held the first conference with success in Bali, Indonesia in 2001. Since then, we have kept regular annual meeting in different cities in Asia thanks to the efforts of the successive presidents and the committee members. We should appreciate them for their efforts to create and keep a very high standard of conference. The number of participants are increasing, and the quality of presenting papers are improving each year.
    Thanks to the effort of the present president, Dr. Masatsune Yamagata and his team, now we have a permanent website for communication between members from each country. I am sure that it can be more convenient to record and propagate information of the Society, either past, present or the future events. Also, the names of board members in each chapter can be recorded, refined and easily confirmed every year. I hope this website can become our information center for discussion and sharing ideas and experiences.
    Finally, during the Covid-19 pandemic period, we have experienced hard time. I pray all of us and the family keeping healthy and happy!

    Sincerely yours,

Po-Quang Chen Po-Quang Chen
    Po-Quang Chen, MD., PhD.
    Honorary chairman,
    Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (PASMISS)
    Nov 2021

History of the three founding countries

PASMISS2023 was held in Taichung, Taiwan, under the chairmanship of Professor Keng Chang
This conference was held in Tainan for three days from July 14th to 16th, and was held jointly with the Taiwan Society of Spinal Endoscopic Surgery. This time, the conference was held locally, and the academic conference was held face-to-face, making hot Tainan even more heated. Please see the PASMISS2023 website for details.
With the kind permission of the president, the history of PASMISS was presented in the plenary lecture by representatives from the three founding countries of this society: Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. This content is extremely important to our members and has been posted on this website with the consent of each speaker. Please take a look.

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History of Taiwan
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History of Korea
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History of Japan
Our Society
Annual Meeting
Board Member